Energy Engineers

Energy Engineers

Mystic AquariumMentees, check out the sessions below to find websites, videos, games, and books about renewable energy — including energy from the sun, wind, and water. Explore what you can do to save energy and protect the environment. Share the links with your family so they can help you take care of our planet. Parents and guardians can find out more about these resources in the Family Resource Guide below.

Multimedia Connections

Click on a session below to view multimedia resources from the curriculum.

Stop Motion Film: Renewable vs Nonrenewable Energy Sources

National Geographic’s Renewable Energy 101


SciToon’s What is Solar Energy

Energy Now’s Energy 101: Solar Power

U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy 101: Solar PV

U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy 101: Hydropower

ORPC’s RivGen Power System

U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy 101: Biofuels

Brain Zapped’s Renewable Resources Game Show

How Stuff Works show’s Corn Plastic Video